New Housing Construction
Starts (Actual)


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Edmonton — Starts by Dwelling Type by Zone

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment All
Edmonton 568 82 177 618 1,445
Downtown 0 0 0 0 0
Hudson's Bay Reserve 0 0 49 10 59
University 5 2 4 6 17
West Central 6 2 0 27 35
Jasper Place 5 6 9 30 50
West Jasper Place 118 8 41 28 195
South West 60 8 19 137 224
East Central 5 6 0 14 25
Millwoods 81 10 21 39 151
North Central 1 10 0 4 15
North East 31 2 0 8 41
Castledown 45 0 0 17 62
St. Albert 17 0 10 247 274
Other Outlying Areas 80 2 16 17 115
Fort Saskatchewan 21 0 0 5 26
Leduc 25 0 0 17 42
Spruce Grove 16 2 8 1 27
Stony Plain 6 0 0 0 6
Strathcona County 46 24 0 11 81
  • CMA, CA and CSD definitions are based on 2021 Census Geography Definitions