Population, Households and Housing Stock
Household Income


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  2. Average and Median

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Edmonton — Household Income - Average and Median ($)

  Average Household Income Before Taxes Median Household Income Before Taxes Average Household Income After Taxes Median Household Income After Taxes
Edmonton 116,800 96,000 97,300 84,000
Beverly/Rundle Heights 85,700 73,000 74,800 65,000
Bonny Doon 104,000 77,000 85,300 67,500
Britannia 64,500 51,200 57,300 46,000
Callingwood 66,800 60,000 59,600 54,800
Capilano/Upper East Central 115,700 97,000 96,600 84,000
Central McDougall 56,050 43,200 49,840 40,400
Central Millwoods 92,400 81,000 80,900 73,000
Central South West 107,400 84,000 90,400 76,000
Clairview 93,900 84,000 81,700 73,500
Confederation Park 80,700 72,000 70,500 64,000
Delton/Eastwood 78,400 69,000 68,900 61,200
Devon 107,200 95,000 90,700 83,000
Downtown 82,900 61,600 68,700 54,800
East Castle Downs 115,900 101,000 98,500 89,000
Edmonton CMA Remainder 134,200 113,000 109,800 97,000
Fort Saskatchewan 128,000 113,000 105,200 95,000
Garneau 89,700 64,500 74,800 58,000
Gateway Blvd West 103,800 84,000 88,200 75,000
Genwood/West Jasper Place 78,900 65,000 69,400 59,200
Grandin 85,100 68,500 70,800 58,400
Highlands/Alberta Avenue 88,900 74,500 76,500 66,000
Leduc 117,000 101,000 97,100 87,000
Londonderry 91,400 78,000 79,800 70,000
Lower East Central 103,000 88,000 87,100 77,500
McCauley 63,450 50,000 56,150 46,400
McLeod Park/Casselman 96,400 85,000 83,900 75,500
Morinville 117,500 108,000 99,000 92,000
North Central (East) 80,900 70,000 71,400 63,200
North Central (West) 88,700 78,000 77,700 70,000
North East 113,900 102,000 96,900 88,000
North Jasper Place 88,400 78,500 77,300 70,000
North Millwoods 103,800 91,000 89,800 81,000
North West Jasper Place 92,800 79,000 80,200 70,000
Northmount/Evansdale 88,100 72,500 77,600 67,000
Oliver 83,800 63,600 69,800 56,000
Queen Mary Park 69,300 58,000 60,800 52,000
Riverbend/Whitemud Creek 181,600 132,000 141,600 110,000
Sherwood Park 150,800 125,000 121,100 105,000
South Jasper Place 101,800 86,000 86,600 76,000
South Millwoods 120,200 109,000 102,400 94,000
South West Jasper Place 163,800 119,000 129,000 102,000
Southgate District 111,200 87,000 93,400 77,000
Spruce Grove 119,000 106,000 99,200 91,000
St. Albert 138,600 117,000 113,300 100,000
Stony Plain 106,500 91,000 89,300 79,500
Strathcona County Remainder 144,800 123,000 117,000 104,000
Strathearn/Holyrood 107,900 77,500 89,600 68,000
Terwillegar/Rural Southwest 135,800 112,000 111,300 96,000
Thorncliffe/Aldergrove 99,000 90,000 86,200 80,000
University 112,800 75,000 92,300 67,500
West Castledowns 114,100 101,000 97,100 88,000
West Central (North) 169,200 118,000 130,800 99,000
West Central (South) 95,100 87,000 81,800 76,500
West Jasper Place/Rural 130,600 119,000 108,800 101,000
Westwood 58,100 43,200 52,150 41,200
Woodcroft/Inglewood 73,100 59,600 64,200 54,400
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.