Population, Households and Housing Stock
Shelter Costs


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Edmonton — Monthly Shelter Costs - Average and Median ($)

  Average Monthly Shelter Costs Median Monthly Shelter Costs
Edmonton 1,604 1,470
Downtown 1,300 1,170
Hudson's Bay Reserve 1,126 1,000
University 1,462 1,210
West Central 1,602 1,250
Jasper Place 1,308 1,130
West Jasper Place 1,748 1,660
South West 1,760 1,560
East Central 1,456 1,250
Millwoods 1,722 1,700
North Central 1,265 1,160
North East 1,536 1,460
Castledown 1,568 1,500
St. Albert 1,724 1,600
Other Outlying Areas 1,684 1,570
Fort Saskatchewan 1,634 1,640
Leduc 1,682 1,660
Spruce Grove 1,672 1,700
Stony Plain 1,488 1,450
Strathcona County 1,704 1,640
  • Statistics Canada does not collect shelter cost data for farm households or for households living in band housing. For renters, shelter costs include, as applicable, rent and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services. For owners, shelter costs include, as applicable, mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, condominium fees, and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services.