Population, Households and Housing Stock
Shelter Costs


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  2. Average and Median

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Edmonton — Monthly Shelter Costs - Ranges

  Less Than $500 Per Month $500 to $999 Per Month $1,000 to $1,499 Per Month $1,500 to $1,999 Per Month $2,000 And Over Per Month Total Non-Farm, Non-Band Households
Edmonton 27,650 137,285 113,710 105,335 161,950 545,925
Downtown 1,055 8,620 10,750 4,925 2,900 28,250
Hudson's Bay Reserve 435 3,950 2,465 1,300 520 8,670
University 605 5,495 5,430 3,015 3,210 17,750
West Central 615 5,380 3,505 2,275 4,440 16,205
Jasper Place 905 5,615 3,820 2,695 2,690 15,720
West Jasper Place 1,585 8,695 8,830 9,085 16,170 44,370
South West 1,890 15,935 17,995 13,915 26,390 76,125
East Central 960 7,075 4,345 3,525 5,220 21,125
Millwoods 2,710 10,705 10,710 13,805 21,450 59,380
North Central 2,920 9,915 6,975 6,525 4,115 30,450
North East 2,080 7,810 8,495 7,615 9,340 35,330
Castledown 2,380 11,290 7,790 8,705 12,805 42,965
St. Albert 615 6,990 4,410 4,610 9,310 25,940
Other Outlying Areas 4,360 9,800 5,930 7,015 14,930 42,035
Fort Saskatchewan 575 2,100 1,920 2,430 3,385 10,415
Leduc 455 2,760 2,350 2,890 4,505 12,960
Spruce Grove 615 3,040 2,330 3,210 5,075 14,270
Stony Plain 540 1,815 1,340 1,620 1,810 7,130
Strathcona County 2,350 10,295 4,325 6,180 13,690 36,845
  • Statistics Canada does not collect shelter cost data for farm households or for households living in band housing. For renters, shelter costs include, as applicable, rent and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services. For owners, shelter costs include, as applicable, mortgage payments (principal and interest), property taxes, condominium fees, and payments for electricity, fuel, water and other municipal services.