Population, Households and Housing Stock
Housing Suitability


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  2. Percentage

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Kelowna — Housing Suitability

  Suitable Not Suitable (Crowded) Total
Kelowna 91,155 3,180 94,335
0001.00 3,740 60 3,800
0002.00 2,785 60 2,835
0003.01 1,640 30 1,670
0003.02 1,505 15 1,525
0004.00 2,415 70 2,490
0005.00 1,490 90 1,580
0006.00 2,160 60 2,220
0007.00 3,780 210 3,990
0008.00 4,040 90 4,125
0009.01 1,940 95 2,035
0009.02 2,245 75 2,315
0009.03 1,380 105 1,490
0010.01 1,465 100 1,560
0010.02 2,175 70 2,240
0010.03 1,575 85 1,660
0011.00 2,455 150 2,605
0012.00 1,980 55 2,035
0013.00 760 30 785
0014.00 2,005 110 2,120
0015.00 2,480 60 2,540
0016.00 1,470 85 1,555
0017.00 1,930 185 2,120
0018.01 920 15 935
0018.02 815 30 845
0019.01 3,950 170 4,120
0019.02 2,920 120 3,045
0019.03 2,770 35 2,800
0019.04 1,890 85 1,970
0102.04 4,450 135 4,590
0103.00 2,625 65 2,690
0104.01 740 10 750
0105.02 1,780 50 1,830
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • Suitable dwellings have enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households.