Core Housing Need
Households with Seniors


  1. % of Households in Core Housing Need
  2. Households in Core Housing Need
  3. Households Tested For Core Housing Need

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  2. Neighbourhood
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St. Catharines - Niagara — Households with Seniors (Households in Core Housing Need)

  Household Has at Least One Senior (65 or Older) Other Household Type Total
St. Catharines - Niagara 6,870 11,680 18,550
0001.00 95 95 190
0002.00 155 170 325
0003.01 45 260 305
0004.01 20 60 75
0004.02 100 110 205
0005.00 130 425 555
0006.00 20 45 65
0007.01 100 195 295
0007.02 60 130 190
0008.00 50 65 110
0009.00 235 450 685
0010.00 135 215 350
0011.00 95 385 480
0012.01 190 185 375
0012.02 195 205 400
0013.01 55 255 315
0013.02 95 150 245
0014.01 75 130 205
0014.02 100 85 185
0014.03 130 105 235
0015.00 0 0 0
0016.01 85 95 175
0016.02 55 65 125
0017.01 30 35 65
0017.02 125 60 180
0018.01 110 90 200
0018.02 65 75 140
0018.03 50 60 110
0019.00 0 0 15
0020.00 20 0 20
0100.00 115 180 285
0101.00 50 150 195
0102.01 0 95 100
0102.02 45 80 125
0102.03 20 75 95
0110.00 55 50 105
0111.00 105 75 180
0112.00 75 80 155
0200.00 40 60 95
0201.00 45 100 145
0202.00 15 110 125
0203.01 55 200 260
0203.02 50 90 135
0204.00 215 300 510
0205.00 40 65 105
0206.00 60 205 265
0207.00 165 245 410
0208.00 90 165 255
0209.03 65 110 175
0209.04 30 65 90
0209.05 65 80 140
0209.06 50 45 90
0211.00 45 35 80
0212.00 130 95 220
0213.00 0 35 50
0214.00 55 95 150
0215.00 95 445 540
0220.01 20 25 45
0220.02 95 70 170
0221.00 40 65 110
0230.00 50 70 120
0241.00 45 45 85
0242.02 70 55 125
0300.00 20 20 40
0301.00 135 120 250
0302.00 25 120 145
0303.00 0 15 15
0304.00 70 175 245
0305.00 65 215 280
0306.00 75 315 390
0307.00 85 310 395
0308.00 30 75 105
0309.00 65 70 135
0310.01 125 60 195
0310.02 125 125 250
0311.02 90 115 210
0311.03 0 55 70
0311.04 25 75 105
0320.00 85 215 300
0321.00 105 125 235
0322.00 130 190 320
0323.00 30 50 80
0324.00 40 65 100
0330.00 105 200 305
0331.01 40 75 115
0331.02 60 120 185
0332.00 45 175 225
0333.00 50 55 105
0334.01 155 175 325
0334.02 30 105 135
  • Data include all non-farm, non-band, non-reserve private households reporting positive incomes and shelter cost-to-income ratios less than 100 per cent.
  • A household is in core housing need if its housing does not meet one or more standards for housing adequacy (repair), suitability (crowding), or affordability and if it would have to spend 30 per cent or more of its before-tax income to pay the median rent (including utilities) of appropriately sized alternative local market housing. Adequate housing does not require any major repairs, according to residents. Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households. Affordable housing costs less than 30 per cent of before-tax household income.