Population, Households and Housing Stock
Household Income


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St. Catharines - Niagara — Household Income - Average and Median ($)

  Average Household Income Before Taxes Median Household Income Before Taxes Average Household Income After Taxes Median Household Income After Taxes
St. Catharines - Niagara 94,700 77,500 80,800 69,000
St. Catharines (Core) 80,900 65,500 70,200 59,600
St. Catharines (Remainder North) 91,100 75,500 78,200 67,500
St. Catharines (Remainder South) 103,000 79,500 87,200 72,000
Niagara Falls (Core) 67,900 56,400 60,750 52,400
Niagara Falls (Remainder) 99,100 83,000 84,700 74,500
Welland 84,600 71,500 73,800 64,500
Remainder of CMA 111,600 92,000 92,700 80,000
Fort Erie 91,400 75,500 78,700 68,000
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.