Population, Households and Housing Stock


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St. Catharines - Niagara — Mortgages (%)

  With a Mortgage Without a Mortgage Total Private Households With Mortgage Status Known
St. Catharines - Niagara 16.9 13.0 29.9
Central District 16.1 10.2 26.4
Chippawa Park Area 19.2 11.0 30.4
Clifton Hill 16.3 9.5 25.8
Corwin Crescent 14.1 9.5 23.5
Downtown St. Catharines 6.3 4.0 10.4
Downtown Welland 11.9 4.0 15.8
Drummond Heights 16.1 9.9 25.9
East District 17.2 10.6 27.8
Fort Erie 18.8 13.3 32.1
Humberstone 18.0 11.6 29.6
Lincoln/Beamsville 18.3 13.3 31.5
Lundy's Lane 16.6 9.6 26.2
Maple Park/Stop 19 18.0 13.5 31.5
Marsdale 11.9 16.4 28.4
Merritton 18.2 11.8 30.0
Niagara Falls 14.0 8.2 22.2
Niagara Falls South 17.9 12.5 30.4
Niagara South 16.4 11.0 27.3
Niagara-on-the-Lake 13.9 21.2 35.2
North District 16.0 14.1 30.0
Orchard Park 18.8 13.3 32.2
Pelham/Wainfleet 17.5 16.4 33.9
Port Colbourne East/Lorraine 17.6 15.2 32.9
Port Colbourne West 19.2 16.9 36.1
Queensway Garden/Stamford Centre 16.7 17.8 34.4
Ridgemount/Ridgewood 20.4 16.7 37.1
South Louth/Western Hills 15.9 12.0 27.9
Thorold 16.5 10.2 26.7
Welland South 17.1 9.8 26.9
Welland/Brookfield 19.2 11.9 31.1
  • Mortgage data exclude farm operators.