Population, Households and Housing Stock
Aboriginal Households


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Toronto — Aboriginal Households

  Aboriginal Households Non-Aboriginal Households Total
Toronto 25,825 2,236,645 2,262,475
Toronto (Central) 2,450 163,095 165,540
Toronto (East) 1,525 56,945 58,465
Toronto (North) 805 72,735 73,545
Toronto (West) 2,075 122,630 124,705
Etobicoke (South) 940 55,175 56,120
Etobicoke (Central) 610 61,500 62,110
Etobicoke (North) 255 30,570 30,825
York 825 59,185 60,010
East York 860 45,435 46,295
Scarborough (Central) 1,160 78,550 79,710
Scarborough (North) 450 79,040 79,490
Scarborough (East) 845 58,985 59,830
North York (Southeast) 390 50,140 50,535
North York (Northeast) 320 74,080 74,405
North York (Southwest) 280 38,160 38,445
North York (N.Central) 220 46,515 46,735
North York (Northwest) 455 53,690 54,140
Mississauga (South) 660 50,600 51,265
Mississauga (Northwest) 620 67,100 67,720
Mississauga (Northeast) 745 124,845 125,595
Brampton (West) 1,045 106,335 107,385
Brampton (East) 525 74,565 75,090
Oakville 775 72,785 73,555
Caledon 330 23,370 23,700
Richmond Hill/Vaughan/King 765 181,435 182,200
Aurora, Newmkt, Whit-St. 2,045 95,925 97,970
Markham 290 110,580 110,870
Pickering/Ajax/Uxbridge 1,365 79,555 80,925
Milton/Halton Hills 1,050 60,815 61,860
Orangeville/Mono 485 13,700 14,190
Bradford/West Gwillimbury/New Tecumseth 670 28,600 29,270
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • An Aboriginal household is one of the following: i) a non-family household in which at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people; or ii) a family household that meets at least one of two criteria: a) at least one spouse, common-law partner, or lone parent self-identified as an Aboriginal person; or b) at least 50 per cent of household members self-identified as Aboriginal people.