Primary Rental Market
Rental Universe


  1. Bedroom Type
  2. Year of Construction
  3. Structure Size

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  2. Census Subdivisions
  3. Neighbourhoods
  4. Census Tracts
  5. Historical Time Periods


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Toronto — Universe by Structure Size (Apartment only) by Census Subdivision

  3-5 Units 6-19 Units 20-49 Units 50-199 Units 200+ Units Total
Toronto 10,702 20,575 34,572 137,497 122,148 325,494
Ajax (T) 4 43 237 439 1,434 2,157
Aurora (T) 18 66 73 450 ** 607
Bradford West Gwillimbury (T) 57 29 120 ** ** 206
Brampton (CY) 104 357 624 5,014 4,721 10,820
Caledon (T) 4 58 22 140 ** 224
East Gwillimbury (T) ** 22 20 ** ** 42
Georgina (T) 28 64 47 108 ** 247
Halton Hills (T) 71 178 132 56 ** 437
Markham (CY) 4 8 102 1,475 ** 1,589
Milton (T) 27 36 55 488 ** 606
Mississauga (CY) 126 619 1,891 17,589 7,337 27,562
New Tecumseth (T) 57 114 112 145 ** 428
Newmarket (T) 76 267 116 229 441 1,129
Oakville (T) 39 356 725 2,988 743 4,851
Orangeville (T) 49 175 400 283 ** 907
Pickering (CY) 9 ** ** 326 ** 335
Richmond Hill (T) 66 160 368 1,162 ** 1,756
Toronto (C) 9,944 17,927 29,394 106,244 107,472 270,981
Uxbridge (TP) 10 64 48 84 ** 206
Vaughan (CY) ** 26 44 162 ** 232
Whitchurch-Stouffville (T) 9 6 42 115 ** 172
  • CMA, CA and CSD definitions are based on 2021 Census Geography Definitions