Primary Rental Market
Rental Universe


  1. Bedroom Type
  2. Year of Construction
  3. Structure Size

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  2. Census Subdivisions
  3. Neighbourhoods
  4. Census Tracts
  5. Historical Time Periods


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Toronto — Historical Universe by Structure Size (Apartment only)

  3-5 Units 6-19 Units 20-49 Units 50-199 Units 200+ Units Total
1990 October 10,235 21,446 35,641 128,114 98,857 294,293
1991 October 10,682 21,609 35,560 129,212 99,706 296,769
1992 October 10,951 21,777 35,174 127,873 99,374 295,149
1993 October 11,168 21,840 35,291 127,981 98,534 294,814
1994 October 11,268 21,725 35,442 129,621 99,914 297,970
1995 October 11,235 21,668 35,251 129,995 100,813 298,962
1996 October 11,330 21,693 35,231 130,040 99,873 298,167
1997 October 11,516 21,728 35,379 132,121 101,158 301,902
1998 October 11,582 21,775 35,607 132,215 101,864 303,043
1999 October 11,639 21,785 35,606 132,324 102,568 303,922
2000 October 11,614 21,920 35,653 130,563 102,234 301,984
2001 October 11,526 21,799 35,560 130,781 103,060 302,726
2002 October 11,295 21,779 35,822 130,892 102,013 301,801
2003 October 11,259 21,848 35,854 131,516 102,004 302,481
2004 October 11,255 21,759 35,722 132,736 103,267 304,739
2005 October 11,073 21,555 35,585 131,246 103,532 302,991
2006 October 10,850 21,432 35,569 131,798 106,896 306,545
2007 October 10,678 21,588 35,442 132,344 106,354 306,406
2008 October 10,396 21,365 35,582 132,002 107,295 306,640
2009 October 10,438 21,334 35,524 132,589 107,613 307,498
2010 October 10,339 21,183 35,339 132,530 106,700 306,091
2011 October 10,539 21,111 35,341 133,360 106,820 307,171
2012 October 10,502 20,988 35,571 133,264 107,448 307,773
2013 October 10,438 20,906 35,217 133,610 106,935 307,106
2014 October 10,328 20,806 35,176 133,821 108,081 308,212
2015 October 10,400 20,779 35,078 134,240 108,187 308,684
2016 October 10,366 20,776 34,990 134,340 108,756 309,228
2017 October 10,464 20,744 35,040 134,831 110,517 311,596
2018 October 10,642 20,696 34,864 134,586 112,331 313,119
2019 October 10,714 20,606 34,904 135,747 113,659 315,630
2020 October 10,747 20,577 34,767 136,635 115,887 318,613
2021 October 10,785 20,511 34,651 137,369 116,836 320,152
2022 October 10,684 20,590 34,492 138,317 123,180 327,263
2023 October 10,702 20,575 34,572 137,497 122,148 325,494