New Housing Construction
% of Absorbed Units at Completion (Homeowner + Condo)


  1. Dwelling Types
  2. Intended Markets

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  2. Census Subdivisions
  3. Neighbourhoods
  4. Census Tracts
  5. Historical Time Periods


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Vancouver — % of Homeowner and Condominium Units Absorbed at Completion by Dwelling Type by Neighbourhood

  Single Semi-Detached Row Apartment All
Vancouver 58.6 % 31.0 % 69.1 % 79.9 % 71.7 %
Ambleside ** ** ** ** **
Anmore/Belcarra/Metro Vancouver North ** ** 87.5 % ** 87.5 %
Capital Hill/Brentwood 50.0 % ** ** ** 50.0 %
Cedar Cottage 0.0 % 0.0 % ** ** 0.0 %
Central Lonsdale ** ** ** ** **
Central Park 50.0 % ** ** ** 50.0 %
Cloverdale/Fleetwood 83.3 % 100.0 % 64.2 % ** 68.7 %
Collingwood 50.0 % 66.7 % ** 97.8 % 92.6 %
Coquitlam East 100.0 % 0.0 % 0.0 % ** 8.3 %
Coquitlam West 75.0 % ** ** 50.0 % 50.5 %
Deer Lake 0.0 % 0.0 % ** ** 0.0 %
Downtown ** ** ** ** **
Downtown Central ** ** ** 72.9 % 72.9 %
Downtown Eastside/Strathcona ** ** ** ** **
Downtown North ** ** ** ** **
Dundrave/West Vancouver Remainder 37.5 % ** ** ** 37.5 %
Edmonds ** ** ** ** **
English Bay ** ** ** ** **
Fraser View/Killarny 25.0 % 18.8 % ** ** 20.0 %
Guildford 100.0 % ** ** ** 100.0 %
Hastings/Sunrise/Grandview/Woodlands 50.0 % 66.7 % ** ** 62.5 %
Kerrisdale ** ** ** ** **
Kitsilano/Point Grey North ** ** ** ** **
Kitsilano/Point Grey South ** 0.0 % ** ** 0.0 %
Ladner 100.0 % 100.0 % 45.5 % ** 62.5 %
Langley CY 50.0 % ** ** 100.0 % 98.9 %
Langley DM 59.4 % ** 66.7 % 100.0 % 86.7 %
Lonsdale East 100.0 % ** ** ** 100.0 %
Lonsdale North ** ** ** ** **
Lonsdale West 100.0 % ** ** ** 100.0 %
Maple Ridge 43.5 % ** ** 100.0 % 83.1 %
Marpole Remainder 0.0 % 50.0 % ** ** 40.0 %
Marpole South ** ** ** ** **
Metrotown 33.3 % ** ** ** 33.3 %
Mount Pleasant 0.0 % ** ** ** 0.0 %
New Westminster East 0.0 % ** ** ** 0.0 %
New Westminster West ** ** ** ** **
Newton 82.4 % ** ** ** 82.4 %
North Delta 66.7 % ** ** ** 66.7 %
North False Creek ** ** ** ** **
North Vancouver DM East 50.0 % ** ** ** 50.0 %
North Vancouver DM West 66.7 % ** ** ** 66.7 %
Pitt Meadows 0.0 % ** ** ** 0.0 %
Point Grey 33.3 % 0.0 % ** ** 14.3 %
Port Coquitlam 100.0 % 0.0 % ** ** 50.0 %
Port Moody ** ** ** ** **
Renfrew 50.0 % 62.5 % ** ** 58.3 %
Richmond City Centre ** ** ** ** **
Richmond East 100.0 % ** ** ** 100.0 %
Richmond South 66.7 % ** ** ** 66.7 %
Richmond West ** ** ** ** **
Riley Park 0.0 % 25.0 % 83.7 % ** 75.5 %
Sea Island ** ** ** ** **
South Cambie ** ** ** ** **
South False Creek ** ** ** ** **
South Granville ** ** ** ** **
South Surrey 66.7 % ** 58.1 % ** 59.5 %
Southeast Burnaby South 0.0 % ** ** ** 0.0 %
Sunset 60.0 % 10.0 % ** ** 26.7 %
Surrey City Centre ** ** ** ** **
Tsawwassen ** ** ** ** **
University Endowment Lands ** ** ** ** **
University/Lougheed 100.0 % ** ** ** 100.0 %
Uptown 0.0 % ** ** ** 0.0 %
West End/Stanley Park North ** ** ** ** **
West End/Stanley Park South ** ** ** ** **
Westside Heights ** ** ** ** **
Westside/Kerrisdale Remainder 33.3 % 0.0 % 100.0 % ** 75.8 %
Whalley 88.9 % ** ** 100.0 % 99.0 %
White Rock 100.0 % ** ** ** 100.0 %
  • CMA, CA and CSD definitions are based on 2021 Census Geography Definitions
  • Note: The CMHC Starts and Completions Survey focuses on New Construction, which is often occurring in unmapped areas. As such, geographic reporting of construction activity at the Neighbourhood and Census Tract levels are subject to error.