Population, Households and Housing Stock
Household Type


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Household Type

  1. All Household Types
  2. Lone-Parent Households
  3. One-Person Households

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  2. Neighbourhood
  3. Census Tract
  4. Historical Time Periods


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Vancouver — Household Type (All Household Types)

  Couple-With-Children Couple-Without-Children Total Lone- Parent Households Multiple- Family Total One- Person Households Other Non-Family Total
Vancouver 295,095 251,785 94,620 39,770 302,895 59,155 1,043,320
West End/Stanley Park 335 1,380 180 0 3,545 245 5,680
English Bay 520 2,460 230 0 5,580 655 9,445
Downtown 4,615 13,660 2,120 225 25,480 4,235 50,345
South Granville/Oak 3,685 7,880 1,435 120 13,435 1,820 28,370
Kitsilano/Point Grey 4,970 8,075 1,840 200 12,735 2,495 30,320
Westside/Kerrisdale 7,995 6,145 3,145 710 7,255 1,660 26,915
Marpole 2,425 2,110 1,015 260 4,110 730 10,650
Mount Pleasant/Renfrew Heights 10,190 10,755 3,645 1,220 14,865 4,100 44,780
East Hastings 6,665 8,335 3,235 755 17,400 3,160 39,540
Southeast Vancouver 17,470 12,580 6,395 3,095 15,440 4,870 59,845
University Endowment Lands 1,975 1,380 930 60 2,515 735 7,600
Central Park/Metrotown 5,140 5,710 2,180 610 7,710 1,945 23,290
Southeast Burnaby 8,655 6,725 2,715 1,305 7,440 1,590 28,430
North Burnaby 13,635 11,880 4,650 1,540 14,435 3,275 49,415
New Westminster 7,980 9,230 2,595 685 13,290 2,320 36,100
North Vancouver CY 6,065 7,040 2,460 390 10,240 1,280 27,465
North Vancouver DM 12,770 9,090 3,050 860 7,125 975 33,875
West Vancouver 6,125 5,700 1,995 515 5,885 540 20,745
Richmond 25,445 19,295 8,755 3,475 20,345 3,765 81,080
Delta 13,575 10,385 3,440 2,015 8,055 1,520 38,995
Surrey 67,135 38,820 18,270 14,545 36,800 10,170 185,740
White Rock 1,565 3,090 825 155 4,770 325 10,735
Langley City and Langley DM 19,535 16,020 5,600 2,400 14,245 2,055 59,860
Tri-Cities 32,635 23,490 9,785 3,100 21,145 3,355 93,510
Maple Ridge/Pitt Meadows 14,000 10,555 4,125 1,535 9,040 1,335 40,585
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • Family households include at least one census family (a couple with or without children or a lone-parent family). These households may include members who are not part of the census family.