Population, Households and Housing Stock
Mobility of Primary Household Maintainer


  1. Number
  2. Percentage

Time Period

  1. Previous 5 Years
  2. Previous Year

Age Range

  1. All Households
  2. 65 and over

Display Options:

  1. Metropolitan Major Area
  2. Historical Time Periods


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Nova Scotia — Primary Household Maintainers Who Moved in the Previous 5 Years (All Households)

  15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Nova Scotia 13,680 43,830 29,545 20,760 20,685 23,145 151,635
Cape Breton 895 3,190 2,055 1,470 1,675 1,780 11,065
Chester MD 40 270 220 195 335 280 1,340
Halifax 8,825 27,995 17,980 10,740 9,375 9,450 84,370
Kentville 315 1,135 735 685 760 810 4,435
Kings, Subd. A SC 200 920 615 485 475 530 3,220
Lunenburg MD 100 540 490 445 500 570 2,645
New Glasgow 295 1,145 785 760 760 925 4,670
Queens RGM 70 230 215 175 270 290 1,255
Truro 575 1,800 1,255 1,065 1,110 1,460 7,270
West Hants RM 110 535 380 415 385 535 2,365
  • Where band housing is present, total dwelling counts are larger than the sum of owned and rented dwellings.
  • The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.