Primary Rental Market
Average Rent ($)


  1. Bedroom Type
  2. Year of Construction
  3. Structure Size

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  2. Historical Time Periods


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Ontario — Historical Average Rents by Bedroom Type

  Bachelor 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom + Total
1990 October 417 a 509 a 611 a 741 a 576 a
1991 October 443 a 538 a 646 a 776 a 609 a
1992 October 456 a 557 a 671 a 804 a 630 a
1993 October 470 a 573 a 689 a 825 a 647 a
1994 October 479 a 586 a 699 a 842 a 659 a
1995 October 490 a 600 a 713 a 854 a 672 a
1996 October 495 a 608 a 724 a 868 a 681 a
1997 October 507 a 616 a 725 a 872 a 685 a
1998 October 531 a 645 a 760 a 913 a 718 a
1999 October 561 a 672 a 783 a 938 a 742 a
2000 October 608 a 717 a 828 a 1,004 a 790 a
2001 October 623 a 746 a 861 a 1,039 a 820 a
2002 October 644 a 766 a 881 a 1,072 a 842 a
2003 October 650 a 767 a 885 a 1,058 a 842 a
2004 October 646 a 773 a 896 a 1,074 a 852 a
2005 October 651 a 779 a 901 a 1,084 a 858 a
2006 October 664 a 787 a 916 a 1,105 a 871 a
2007 October 668 a 796 a 922 a 1,104 a 878 a
2008 October 690 a 819 a 946 a 1,137 a 901 a
2009 October 687 a 823 a 953 a 1,141 a 906 a
2010 October 707 a 844 a 978 a 1,175 a 930 a
2011 October 741 a 865 a 999 a 1,205 a 952 a
2012 October 758 a 892 a 1,031 a 1,241 a 981 a
2013 October 785 a 912 a 1,056 a 1,284 a 1,007 a
2014 October 803 a 937 a 1,083 a 1,292 a 1,031 a
2015 October 840 a 971 a 1,118 a 1,327 a 1,066 a
2016 October 856 a 994 a 1,151 a 1,364 a 1,095 a
2017 October 897 a 1,043 a 1,204 a 1,417 a 1,146 a
2018 October 958 a 1,103 a 1,263 a 1,461 a 1,203 a
2019 October 1,019 a 1,179 a 1,335 a 1,540 a 1,277 a
2020 October 1,080 a 1,241 a 1,407 a 1,640 a 1,347 a
2021 October 1,106 a 1,273 a 1,461 a 1,719 a 1,395 a
2022 October 1,179 a 1,350 a 1,550 a 1,776 a 1,474 a
2023 October 1,270 a 1,480 a 1,689 a 1,921 a 1,609 a
2024 October 1,307 a 1,540 a 1,749 a 1,966 a 1,666 a
  • The following letter codes are used to indicate the reliability of the estimates: a — Excellent, b — Very good, c — Good, d — Poor (Use with Caution))
  • ** — Data suppressed to protect confidentiality or data not statistically reliable
  • ++ — Change in rent is not statistically significant. This means that the change in rent is not statistically different than zero (0). (Applies only to % Change of Average Rent Tables).