Primary Rental Market
Median Rent ($)


  1. Bedroom Type
  2. Year of Construction
  3. Structure Size

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Ontario — Historical Median Rent by Year of Construction

  Before 1960 1960 - 1979 1980 - 1999 2000 or Later Total
1990 October 460 a 545 a 708 a ** 550 a
1991 October 495 a 575 a 730 a ** 575 a
1992 October 505 a 600 a 745 a ** 600 a
1993 October 530 a 625 a 742 a ** 622 a
1994 October 550 a 645 a 730 a ** 637 a
1995 October 550 a 651 a 735 a ** 650 a
1996 October 570 a 670 a 740 a ** 654 a
1997 October 577 a 675 a 725 a ** 660 a
1998 October 600 a 710 a 735 a ** 695 a
1999 October 630 a 740 a 740 a ** 715 a
2000 October 675 a 790 a 765 a 1,095 c 755 a
2001 October 700 a 820 a 790 a 1,100 c 790 a
2002 October 725 a 850 a 800 a 1,200 b 814 a
2003 October 750 a 850 a 800 a 1,350 b 824 a
2004 October 750 a 849 a 829 a 1,350 a 825 a
2005 October 750 a 850 a 825 a 1,330 a 825 a
2006 October 750 a 850 a 845 a 1,295 a 840 a
2007 October 765 a 863 a 850 a 1,225 a 850 a
2008 October 780 a 875 a 865 a 1,295 a 855 a
2009 October 799 a 879 a 877 a 1,295 a 865 a
2010 October 814 a 900 a 896 a 1,278 a 892 a
2011 October 830 a 925 a 925 a 1,250 a 905 a
2012 October 850 a 950 a 948 a 1,325 a 935 a
2013 October 875 a 975 a 960 a 1,355 a 954 a
2014 October 895 a 997 a 961 a 1,400 a 978 a
2015 October 920 a 1,030 a 999 a 1,422 a 1,009 a
2016 October 938 a 1,051 a 1,007 a 1,495 a 1,040 a
2017 October 951 a 1,104 a 1,051 a 1,525 a 1,095 a
2018 October 1,000 a 1,150 a 1,107 a 1,633 a 1,137 a
2019 October 1,050 a 1,204 a 1,169 a 1,731 a 1,200 a
2020 October 1,130 a 1,280 a 1,210 a 1,775 a 1,278 a
2021 October 1,180 a 1,325 a 1,279 a 1,778 a 1,330 a
2022 October 1,275 a 1,395 a 1,325 a 1,835 a 1,400 a
2023 October 1,328 a 1,500 a 1,420 a 2,080 a 1,500 a
  • The following letter codes are used to indicate the reliability of the estimates: a — Excellent, b — Very good, c — Good, d — Poor (Use with Caution))
  • ** — Data suppressed to protect confidentiality or data not statistically reliable
  • ++ — Change in rent is not statistically significant. This means that the change in rent is not statistically different than zero (0). (Applies only to % Change of Average Rent Tables).