Seniors' Rental Housing
Universe of Standard Spaces

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Ontario — Seniors' Universe of Standard Spaces by Bedroom Type by Census Metropolitan Areas

  Semi-Private / Ward / Bachelor/ Private 1 Bedroom + Total
Ontario 30,274 26,729 57,003
Barrie 681 255 936
Belleville 519 246 765
Brantford 532 186 718
Greater Sudbury / Grand Sudbury 466 283 749
Guelph 432 417 849
Hamilton 1,784 2,002 3,786
Kingston 278 605 883
Kitchener - Cambridge - Waterloo 1,478 1,167 2,645
London 891 981 1,872
Oshawa 645 1,196 1,841
Ottawa 4,505 3,240 7,745
Peterborough 279 205 484
St. Catharines - Niagara 1,303 791 2,094
Thunder Bay 143 399 542
Toronto 6,403 9,516 15,919
Windsor 855 774 1,629