Core Housing Need
Age Of Primary Household Maintainer


  1. % of Households in Core Housing Need
  2. Households in Core Housing Need
  3. Households Tested For Core Housing Need

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Manitoba — Age of Primary Household Maintainer (Households Tested for Core Housing Need)

  15 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 Total 65+ Total
Manitoba 16,380 72,045 86,070 81,895 92,560 134,410 483,350
Brandon 1,265 3,830 4,320 3,425 3,660 5,250 21,745
Hanover RM 175 1,065 1,035 965 815 770 4,825
Portage la Prairie 210 860 870 890 1,025 1,695 5,550
Selkirk CY 115 590 625 640 830 1,560 4,360
St. Andrews RM 0 350 585 910 1,125 1,330 4,305
Steinbach 320 1,170 1,290 1,060 1,015 1,875 6,735
Thompson 245 1,050 900 900 805 665 4,565
Winkler 535 1,900 2,160 1,905 1,760 2,750 11,015
Winnipeg 10,455 48,100 59,810 56,620 61,705 84,685 321,380
  • Data include all non-farm, non-band, non-reserve private households reporting positive incomes and shelter cost-to-income ratios less than 100 per cent.
  • A household is in core housing need if its housing does not meet one or more standards for housing adequacy (repair), suitability (crowding), or affordability and if it would have to spend 30 per cent or more of its before-tax income to pay the median rent (including utilities) of appropriately sized alternative local market housing. Adequate housing does not require any major repairs, according to residents. Suitable housing has enough bedrooms for the size and make-up of resident households. Affordable housing costs less than 30 per cent of before-tax household income.
  • The primary household maintainer is the person or one of the people in the household responsible for major household payments such as the rent or mortgage. In households with more than one maintainer, the primary maintainer is the first person listed as a maintainer.