Seniors' Rental Housing
Spaces by Unit Type

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Manitoba — Historical Seniors' Spaces by Unit Type

As of January 2023, this data series is now archived, please use the dropdown above or the DISPLAY OPTIONS to select historical data
  Standard Non-Standard Unknown Total
2009 3,102 842 14 3,958
2010 2,979 226 116 3,321
2011 3,446 202 - 3,648
2012 3,215 205 53 3,473
2013 3,598 196 - 3,794
2014 3,545 198 139 3,882
2015 3,586 192 261 4,039
2016 3,544 209 421 4,174
2017 3,848 241 306 4,395
2018 4,022 494 306 4,822
2019 4,416 484 150 5,050
2020 4,341 303 399 5,043
2021 4,784 296 - 5,080