Primary Rental Market
Summary Statistics

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Alberta — Rental Market Statistics Summary by Metropolitan Areas, Census Agglomerations and Cities

  Vacancy Rate (%) Availability Rate (%) Average Rent ($) Median Rent ($) % Change Units
Alberta 2.1 a ** 1,368 a 1,320 a 9.1 a 177,657
Blackfalds T 0.0 d ** 1,268 b 1,350 d ** 65
Bonnyville No. 87 MD ** ** ** ** ** 12
Brooks 1.7 a ** 1,206 a 1,200 a 15.3 a 922
Calgary 1.4 a ** 1,583 a 1,500 a 14.4 a 55,859
Camrose 0.3 b ** 1,186 a 1,215 a 7.5 b 1,209
Canmore 0.9 a ** 1,852 a 1,836 a 6.0 a 488
Cold Lake CY 8.4 c ** 1,243 a 1,211 a 13.7 d 776
Edmonton 2.3 a ** 1,292 a 1,289 a 6.1 a 91,185
Grande Prairie 1.5 a ** 1,186 a 1,160 a 8.0 a 4,287
Grande Prairie County No. 1 MD ** ** ** ** ** 36
High River 2.2 c ** 1,153 a 1,160 b 12.6 d 304
Lacombe 2.5 c ** 1,283 a 1,295 a 9.1 b 452
Lethbridge 2.3 b ** 1,201 a 1,144 a 8.2 b 4,393
Lloydminster 3.9 a ** 1,055 a 1,085 a 4.3 a 1,495
Mackenzie County SM ** ** ** ** ** 40
Medicine Hat 1.1 a ** 1,066 a 1,043 a 8.9 a 3,613
Okotoks 3.5 d ** 1,193 a 1,130 a 10.4 a 106
Red Deer 0.9 a ** 1,169 a 1,109 a 10.7 a 7,024
Red Deer County MD 0.0 a ** 1,450 a 1,445 a 13.9 a 71
Strathmore 1.7 a ** 1,167 a 1,150 a 4.1 c 290
Sylvan Lake 2.1 a ** 1,147 a 1,115 a 5.0 a 532
Wetaskiwin 4.2 c ** 1,143 a 1,165 a 8.1 b 1,179
Wood Buffalo 8.8 a ** 1,375 a 1,300 a 5.1 b 3,319
  • The following letter codes are used to indicate the reliability of the estimates: a — Excellent, b — Very good, c — Good, d — Poor (Use with Caution))
  • ** — Data suppressed to protect confidentiality or data not statistically reliable
  • ++ — Change in rent is not statistically significant. This means that the change in rent is not statistically different than zero (0). (Applies only to % Change of Average Rent Tables).